About us |
We believe in communities as the most effective agents of lasting, positive change. That’s why our project teams partner directly with communities in need, working with them to find sustainable infrastructure solutions that best fit their self-identified needs. Each project provides the foundation for a community to thrive for years to come. Engineers Without Borders USA is a nonprofit humanitarian organization established in 2002. We support community-driven development programs worldwide. Members include professionals and students from engineering and other disciplines. We work with communities and NGOs in over 45 countries around the world on projects such as water, renewable energy, sanitation, schools, clinics and more. |
Our chapter
The Central Ohio Professional Chapter was formed in 2007 when a group of individuals from the Columbus area answered the call to become part of something bigger than themselves. Often working with members of The Ohio State University student chapter and chapters at other universities, members of EWB-USA COh share their time and apply their expertise to help the people of developing countries around the globe.